Jacqueline follows all recommendations set forth by both the Province of British Columbia and the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners & Acupuncturists of BC (CTCMA).
Online Pre-Screening
You will receive an automated email 24-hours prior to your appointment which contains an online COVID-19 Screening Survey. If you are experiencing any of the signs and symptoms listed on the survey, please contact the clinic immediately to re-schedule your appointment. After your signs and symptoms have gone away and you have tested negative for COVID-19, you are welcome to re-schedule your appointment. The Cancellation Policy does not apply when you are re-scheduling within 24 hours due to illness.
Likewise, Jacqueline will use the BC COVID-19 Self Assessment Tool daily and will reschedule appointments if experiencing any associated symptoms if necessary, after providing a negative COVID-19 test.
Entering the Clinic
Please enter the clinic with clean hands. A hand sanitizing station is located at the entrance to the clinic, and you will be asked to use it.
Masks are mandatory upon entering the clinic and while indoors. A disposable mask can be provided for you if you do not have one with you.
While in the Clinic
Traffic in the common areas will be kept to a minimum by asking patients to arrive on time for their appointments as opposed to early. Please come alone to your appointment (with the exception of a parent coming with a child or a caregiver).
There are shared public washrooms in the building where the clinic is located. We suggest you use the washroom prior to arriving to your appointment if possible.
While in the Treatment Room
Consultation and discussion about the focus of treatment once in the treatment room will be performed at a safe distance of two meters.
Masks will be worn by both the Jacqueline and the patient in the treatment room unless a valid medical reason prevents this from occurring.
Cleaning Procedures
High touch surfaces such as door handles and chairs will be disinfected between each patient and at the end of the day.
The treatment room will be disinfected with a Health Canada approved product after each patient according to the guidelines set forth by the Government of BC, the BC CDC, WorkSafe BC, and the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners & Acupuncturists of BC (CTCMA).
Soiled laundry in the treatment room will be kept in a sealed container until ready to be transferred to a professional laundry service.
Moving Forward
Safety plans will be regularly reviewed and updated as needed to ensure the safest environment possible for everyone who enters the clinic.